Sobota, 12. november ob 17. uri // Vetrinjski dvor
📽️ Boj za vodo / War for water
David Novak, Jakob Vezovišek
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 2’58’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Neznanemu letečemu predmetu se pokvari motor in plovilo pristane na živalskem planetu, kjer poteka boj za vodo.
An unidentified flying object’s engine breaks down and the craft lands on an animal planet where a fight for water is taking place.
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
ENIMATION school, društvo za razvoj filmske kulture in Zavod MARS Maribor / ENIMATION school, association for the development of film culture and MARS Institute Maribor
📽️ Ko te navdihne slika Tine Dobrajc / Inspired by Tina Dobrajc’s painting
Klara Hace, Sven Pajnič, Miha Tanko, Ema Bojc, Matevž Podobnik, Svit Mihajlovič, Tine Mihelič, Bor Oražem
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 3’37’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Ogled razstave likovnih del Tine Dobrajc je navdihnil avtorje filma k ustvarjanju.
The Exhibition of Tina Dobrajc’s artworks inspired the creativity of the authors of the film.
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
Koordinator projekta / Project coordinator: Ana Pucelj
ENIMATION school in Kreativni Lab Ribnica / Enimation school and Kreativni Lab Ribnica
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor, Rokodelski center Ribnica, Galerija Miklova hiša, Občina Ribnica / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor, Handicraft Center Ribnica, Miklova House Gallery, Ribnica Municipality
📽️ Skrivnosti mesta / Secret of the city
Skupina avtorjev 8-13 let / Group of authors 8-13 years of age.
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 4’29’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Slikarsko delo Mitje Ficko, Concerto Grosso II je navdušila udeležence delavnice k raziskovanju namišljenega mesta. Le kaj vse se v mestu dogaja, ko se mrak spusti …
Mitja Ficko’s painting Concerto Grosso II inspired the participants of the workshop to explore an imaginary city. Just what is happening in the city when dusk falls…
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
Idejna vodja projekta / Idea manager of the project: Ana Pucelj
ENIMATION school in Kreativni Lab Ribnica / Enimation school and Kreativni Lab Ribnica
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor, Rokodelski center Ribnica, Galerija Miklova hiša, Občina Ribnica / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor, Handicraft Center Ribnica, Miklova House Gallery, Ribnica Municipality
📽️ Mucek na rolki / Cat on skate
Angelina Lovrec, Ela Julija Lovrec, Edis Smajić, Jakob Kereži
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 14’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Mucek na rolki se spusti po klancu.
A kitten on a skateboard goes down a slope.
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
ENIMATION school in Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor, projekt Ti to zmoreš / ENIMATION school and Association of Friends of Youth Maribor, project You can do it
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor, ZPM Maribor / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor, ZPM Maribor
📽️ Olajšanje
Nuka Sajko
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 1’30’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Ko te mučijo skrbi, zbereš moči in jih premagaš.
When worries torment you, you gather your strength and overcome them.
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
ENIMATION school, šola animiranega filma / Enimation school, school of animated film
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor
📽️ Faluteki
Jan Jambrek, Lucija Sabolić, Teodora Tintor, Majda Vukalović
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 2’03’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Drobna bitja Faluteki živijo v sožitju z drevesom. Njihova skrb za drevo privede do obuditve gozda.
Tiny creatures called Faluteki live in symbiosis with the tree. Their care for the tree leads to the revival of the forest.
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
ENIMATION school in ERAZMUS ART / Enimation school and Erazmus art
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor, HDLU / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor, HDLU
📽️ Starec in jablane / Old man and the apple trees
Lili Primc, Edis Smajić, Evgeniia Matvienko, Lili Železnik, Lorena Mihelič, Julija Zita Jemec, Angelina Lovrec, Ela Julija Lovrec
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 3’01’’, 2022/animated film, collage animation
Mentorica / Mentor: Hana Repše
ENIMATION school in Zveza prijateljev mladine Maribor, projekt Ti to zmoreš / ENIMATION school and Association of Friends of Youth Maribor, project You can do it
Društvo za razvoj filmske kulture, Zavod MARS Maribor, ZPM Maribor / Association for the Development of Film Culture, Institute MARS Maribor, ZPM Maribor
📽️ PREMIERA: Kako je kokoška kuhala čaj / How the hen made tea
Režija, likovna zasnova in animacija / Direction, artistic design and animation: Hana Repše, Bine Čare, Polonca Podgoršek
Literarna predloga / Literary text: Anja Štefan
Glasba / Music: Asja Grauf, Špela Huzjak, Tina Sovič
Zvok kokoške / The sound of the hen: Barbara Jamšek
animirani film, kolažna animacija, 7’58’’, 2022 / animated film, collage animation
Kokoška se zjutraj zbudi. Nameni se beljenju hiše, pred začetkom bi popila še čaj, a ugotovi, da mora najprej po vodo …
The hen wakes up in the morning. She sets out to paint the house, she drinks some tea before starting, but she realises that she needs to get water first…
ENIMATION school, društvo za razvoj filmske kulture in Zavod MARS Maribor, Mestna občina Maribor
ENIMATION school, Association for the Development of Film Culture and MARS Institute Maribor, Municipality of Maribor